Monday, April 28, 2008

"Philadelphia" Jerry Ricks needs help 2007

"Philadelphia" Jerry Ricks needs help
Originally published 9/9/2007

"Philadelphia" Jerry Ricks has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. The tumor is operable and he is scheduled for surgery this week. He and his significant other, Nancy Klein, are expatriate Americans living in Croatia, which (like the United States) does not have socialized medicine. So they need help with medical expenses.
Ricks is a terrific acoustic blues player who absorbed the styles of John Hurt, Furry Lewis, Gary Davis, Skip James and many other masters as a young man in the 1960s, when he was booking them and accompanying them (and often putting them up at his home) when they played at the Second Fret Coffeehouse in Philadelphia. Ricks has lived overseas for much of his adult life. He returned to the U.S. to record a couple of fine albums on Rooster, and lived in Clarksdale, Miss., while he was working on those. He also has taught and performed several times at the Port Townsend (Wash.) Country Blues Workshop & Festival.
Below is a message Nancy sent to the couple's friends, along with a U.S. bank address and account where you can send donations if you want. Thanks! SC.

Dear Friends,

Both Jerry and I wish to express our deepest gratitude for all the
calls of concern and best wishes received for Jerry's full recovery.
The operation to remove his brain tumor is expected this week; we all
hope and pray for the best results.

Since hearing of so many offers for support, accounts have been
established to accept donations for Jerry to help defray the medical
expenses and the costs of the following treatments and rehabilitation.

Again, our deepest appreciation for all your concern through these
difficult times, these miles of Blues...

Sincerely Yours,
Nancy Klein and "Philadelphia" Jerry Ricks

Donations may be sent to:

The "Philadelphia" Jerry Ricks Assistance Fund
Account # 004612096194
Bank of America
100 Federal Street
Boston, Ma 02110

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